EDUTOOLS is made up of a number of teachers and researchers linked to different university centres throughout Spain.
You can click on their photograph to see more information.

Beatriz Álvarez Campos
Technical Project Manager EURECA-PRO / Universidad de León

Roberto Baelo
Dpt. of General and Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | University of León

Néstor Briceño Estepa
D. student | French Mathematics teacher | University of León

Isabel Cantón Mayo
Emeritus Professor at the University of León | Department of General and Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | University of León

Isabel Cantón Mayo
Emeritus Professor at the University of León | Department of General and Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | University of León

Ruth Cañón Rodríguez
PhD in Educational Psychology and Educational Sciences | University of León
She is currently a contracted lecturer in the Department of Didactics and Organisation at the University of León, where she teaches on the Early Childhood Education and Primary Education degrees.
Her main lines of research are Initial Training and Initial Teacher Training and, Initial Training and ICT for future teachers. She is the author of several scientific articles published in indexed journals such as Teacher: Differences between newly Qualified and Experienced teachers (NAER, 2017), or Digital competence: teachers in training and problem solving (EDUCAR, 2021).
Member of the Consolidated Research Unit No. 336 of Educational Sciences, she participates in three research projects. She is the author of contributions to collective works, and speaker at national and international conferences on pedagogical innovation, organisational development and education.

Daniela C. Orozco
Dpt. of General & Specific Didactics and Theories of Education | Teacher of English as a foreign language | PhD Candidate | University of León

Daniela C. Orozco
Dpt. of General & Specific Didactics and Theories of Education | Teacher of English as a foreign language | PhD Candidate | University of León

Sheila García Martín
PhD in Educational Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of León
She is currently a contracted lecturer in the Department of Didactics and Organisation at the University of León where she teaches on the Grades of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education and on the University Master's Degree in Teacher Training for E.S.O., F.P., Baccalaureate and Languages, Her main line of research has focused on the study and application of digital tools for knowledge management in schools and their influence on the academic performance of students. She is the author of several scientific articles published in journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and in Scopus (Citescore and SJR) such as Uso de herramientas digitales para la docencia en España durante la pandemia COVID-19, REEC (2021), or Uso de tecnologías y rendimiento académico en estudiantes adolescentes, Comunicar (2019).
Member of the Consolidated Research Unit No. 336 in Educational Sciences, she is involved in three research projects. She is the author of contributions to collective works, and speaker at national and international conferences on pedagogical innovation, organisational development and education.

Mario Grande Prado
Dpt. of General and Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | University of León

Mario Grande Prado
Dpt. of General and Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | University of León
In the field of research, his lines of research focus on Information and Communication Technologies(ICT) -especially digital competence - and games in education. In the professional field, he has experience as a teacher in an educational centre from 2000 to 2017.
He is a reviewer for several national and international educational journals and has been a guest editor. In addition, he has participated in several research and teaching innovation projects at various universities and has spent time at the University of Burgos and the University of Barcelona.
He currently holds a management position as director of the ULe online Area (dedicated to virtual degrees); previously he was coordinator of the Degree in Social Education at the Faculty of Education in León.

Estefanía Gómez Muñoz
Research Support Technician | Dpto de Didáctica General, Específicas y Tª de la Educación | University of León

Estefanía Gómez Muñoz
Research Support Technician | Dpto de Didáctica General, Específicas y Tª de la Educación | University of León

Luis Matosas López
Dpt. of Financial Economics and Accounting | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Mario Pena Garrido
Dept. of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education II | National University of Distance Education (UNED)

Mario Pena Garrido
Dept. of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education II | National University of Distance Education (UNED)
In relation to her research merits, she has received the positive evaluation of 2 research sections/sexenios, by the CNEAI. Her research has focused mainly on the area of emotional competences and their relationship with well-being variables in the educational environment, both for teachers and students. He has published a total of 7 books/chapters and 40 articles in journals with impact indexes. He has directed as principal investigator a project funded by the Royal Board on Disability (Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality); on the other hand, he has actively participated in several national research projects and R&D projects related to the development of socio-emotional competences; and the EVEMETS study (Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Methodology Based on the Use of Tablets), funded by Snappet España S. L. He is a member of the inter-university group of the Spanish Ministry of Education, funded by Snappet España S. L. He is also a member of the Spanish Ministry of Education.L. He is a member of the inter-university educational research group Edutools (University of León), and of the inter-university group Positive personal resources, well-being and health in applied contexts (University of Málaga). He has been evaluator of two projects of the National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of Argentina (2012 and 2018). Finally, he has been a member of numerous organising and scientific committees, including the presidency of the organising committee of the V National Congress on University and Disability: Accessible Technologies in Education.
He has taught first and second cycle, undergraduate, Master's and PhD courses; he has also collaborated as a lecturer in the International Master's Degree in Specialised Teacher Training in Ecuador, teaching two subjects and forming part of the TFM defence tribunals. She has directed two collaboration grants from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (2014-2015 and 2017-2018), within the subject Diagnosis and Guidance of people with special educational needs (Degree in Pedagogy). On the other hand, she has participated in teaching innovation projects within the UNED. In addition, she has taken numerous training courses on the methodology of distance learning within the Teacher Training Plan for its adaptation to the methodologies of the European space. Likewise, in 2009, she did a pre-doctoral stay in the Laboratory of Emotions at the University of Malaga, under the direction of Professor Pablo Fernández-Berrocal, a pioneer in our country in research on emotional intelligence. In 2013 he obtained a study leave to move to the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Malaga to work with the now Professor Natalio Extremera, one of the international leaders in the field of emotional competences. He has directed numerous summer courses at the UNED, including those given for several consecutive years in prisons throughout Spain. He is currently directing several doctoral theses.
He has held various single-person university management positions from 2007 to the present: Assistant Secretary of the Faculty of Education; Director of the Centre for the Care of University Students with Disabilities of the UNED (UNIDIS); Coordinator of the Practicum of the University Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching; and Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Vocational Guidance; Vice-Rector of Lifelong Learning for Professional Performance and Social Development; and Deputy Director of the Centre associated with the UNED in Madrid.

Patricia Sanz Chumillas
Technician specialising in responsible production and consumption | Dpt. of General and Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | University of León

Patricia Sanz Chumillas
Technician specialising in responsible production and consumption | Dpt. of General and Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | University of León

José Manuel Suárez Riveiro
Dept. of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education II | National University of Distance Education (UNED)

José Manuel Suárez Riveiro
Dept. of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education II | National University of Distance Education (UNED)
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
University Professor and Doctor in Psychopedagogy. Professor in the Faculty of Education of the UNED, developing his teaching and research activity in the MIDE II Department (OEDIP), of which he is currently director. His lines of research revolve around academic motivation, self-regulated learning (SRL) and learning strategies, as well as specific educational support needs (SEN). He has written numerous research articles, books and book chapters. His research activity has been positively evaluated with four sexenios of research.

Belén Sola Pizarro
Dpt. of General and Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | University of León

Belén Sola Pizarro
Dpt. of General and Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | University of León

Rosa Eva Valle Flórez
Dpt. of General and Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | University of León

Rosa Eva Valle Flórez
Dpt. of General and Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | University of León
His research activity has been positively valued with two research periods (sexenios) by the CNEAI..

José Luis Vázquez Fernández
Associate Professor | Dept. of General and Specific Didactics and Educational Theory | University of León.

José Luis Vázquez Fernández
Associate Professor | Dept. of General and Specific Didactics and Educational Theory | University of León.

Ismael Vieira
PhD student, University of León | Senior Technician Specialist in Educational Innovation | ISCAP/Polytechnic of Porto (Portugal)

Ismael Vieira
PhD student, University of León | Senior Technician Specialist in Educational Innovation | ISCAP/Polytechnic of Porto (Portugal)

Adrie J. Visscher
Full professor | University of Twente

Abir Zitouni
PhD student and trainee teacher | General Didactics, Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | Universidad de León

Abir Zitouni
PhD student and trainee teacher | General Didactics, Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | Universidad de León
Group Code: 402
Principal Investigator: ROBERTO BAELO ÁLVAREZ (ORCID: 0000-0003-1003-6739)
Date of Recognition: 25/05/2017
Learning, Competences, Professional Skills, Education, Teaching, Educational Equity, Training, Knowledge Management, Behavioural Incentives, Educational Innovation, Research, Teaching Methodologies, Guidance, Technology, Information and Communication Technologies Learning, Competences, Professional Skills, Education, Teaching, Educational Equity, Training, Knowledge Management, Behaviour Incentives, Innovation, Research, Teaching Methodologies, Guidance, Technology, Information and Communication Technologies