About us


EDUTOOLS is made up of a number of teachers and researchers linked to different university centres throughout Spain.

You can click on their photograph to see more information.

Beatriz Álvarez Campos

Technical Project Manager EURECA-PRO / Universidad de León

Roberto Baelo

Dpt. of General and Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | University of León

Néstor Briceño Estepa

D. student | French Mathematics teacher | University of León

Isabel Cantón Mayo

Emeritus Professor at the University of León | Department of General and Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | University of León

Ruth Cañón Rodríguez

PhD in Educational Psychology and Educational Sciences | University of León

Daniela C. Orozco

Dpt. of General & Specific Didactics and Theories of Education | Teacher of English as a foreign language | PhD Candidate | University of León

Sheila García Martín

PhD in Educational Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of León

Mario Grande Prado

Dpt. of General and Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | University of León

Estefanía Gómez Muñoz

Research Support Technician | Dpto de Didáctica General, Específicas y Tª de la Educación | University of León

Luis Matosas López

Dpt. of Financial Economics and Accounting | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Mario Pena Garrido

Dept. of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education II | National University of Distance Education (UNED)

Patricia Sanz Chumillas

Technician specialising in responsible production and consumption | Dpt. of General and Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | University of León

José Manuel Suárez Riveiro

Dept. of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education II | National University of Distance Education (UNED)

Belén Sola Pizarro

Dpt. of General and Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | University of León

Rosa Eva Valle Flórez

Dpt. of General and Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | University of León

José Luis Vázquez Fernández

Associate Professor | Dept. of General and Specific Didactics and Educational Theory | University of León.

Ismael Vieira

PhD student, University of León | Senior Technician Specialist in Educational Innovation | ISCAP/Polytechnic of Porto (Portugal)

Adrie J. Visscher

Full professor | University of Twente

Abir Zitouni

PhD student and trainee teacher | General Didactics, Specific Didactics and Theory of Education | Universidad de León

Group Code: 402



Principal Investigator: ROBERTO BAELO ÁLVAREZ (ORCID: 0000-0003-1003-6739)

Date of Recognition: 25/05/2017


Learning, Competences, Professional Skills, Education, Teaching, Educational Equity, Training, Knowledge Management, Behavioural Incentives, Educational Innovation, Research, Teaching Methodologies, Guidance, Technology, Information and Communication Technologies Learning, Competences, Professional Skills, Education, Teaching, Educational Equity, Training, Knowledge Management, Behaviour Incentives, Innovation, Research, Teaching Methodologies, Guidance, Technology, Information and Communication Technologies